DataPower XI-50 Initial IP Configuration

Remember, initial configuration of the IBM Datapower XI50 requires that its IP&nbsp_place_holder; address be established through the serial port.&nbsp_place_holder; Here are the specifications:![]( /ws-datapower-xi50-141x120.jpg)

[Link to this page]( dex.jsp?topic=/xi50/welcome.htm)

Hardware requirements

For first-time configuration of the software, this appliance requires a compatible RS-232c terminal or terminal emulator with a male DB-9 serial port connector. The terminal must support the following RS-232c serial parameters.

  • 9600 baud,
  • 1 stop bit,
  • no parity,
  • XON/XOFF handshaking.

The terminal must be support ANSI/VT-100 control sequences. “Hyperterminal” in Windows™ or “Minicom” in Linux™ are appropriate terminal emulators.

Unattended or remote installation may be performed through a network attached terminal server.