Some Initial Windows 7 Comments

Well, I completed my goal of installing Windows 7 over this weekend.&nbsp_place_holder; I installed both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions.&nbsp_place_holder; I really did not spend much time in the 64-bit realm, other than to discover that there is still not support for flash, etc.

I am not sure that I have grown to appreciate the new task bar yet.&nbsp_place_holder; IWindows 7taskbar think that is going to be something that is going to have to warm up to me over time.

I did like the inclusion of the codecs such as H.264.&nbsp_place_holder; HD content from sites like Revision 3 is playable in Windows media player.&nbsp_place_holder; I was also able to play DVR-MS (media center) files with media player.

That is all that I have right now.&nbsp_place_holder; Just a few quick impressions and comments.&nbsp_place_holder; As I am insprired, I will post more later.

BTW:&nbsp_place_holder; I don’t know that I am digging the visuals in the new Windows Live stuff.&nbsp_place_holder; I am not sure if it is my eyes.&nbsp_place_holder; The UI&nbsp_place_holder;seems less intuitive&nbsp_place_holder;or out of kilter, &nbsp_place_holder;and it&nbsp_place_holder;takes up more than a reasonable amount of desktop real estate.&nbsp_place_holder; I have been using Live Messenger and Live Mail.