I have finally completed BioShock 2. _place_holder; I really enjoyed this game and returning to the city of Rapture. _place_holder; Being a sequel, some of the surprise and ![BioShock 2](http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:RlLDHkN5UcSW8M:http://www.bioshock2.org /wp-content/uploads/2009/08/bioshock2.jpg)serendipity had worn off. _place_holder; However, I really bit into the story. _place_holder;
My most unnerving moments would come each time I rescued a Little Sister. _place_holder; The high-pitched screech warning me of the impending arrival of a Big Sister would throw me into a panic. _place_holder; I experienced the good ending. _place_holder; I believe that my choices in the game made for a fairly smooth and non-so- difficult path to completion. I am looking forward to trying BioShock 2 again with a bit of an evil streak.