Windows Media Center Extenders Fail After Patch Tuesday

Well, if you are a Microsoft Windows Media Center user like I am, you may have![WMC]( *F7ofAI3sGKc7Ws8kIWbWhTi7Ap7UJ22K9xJc7QVz1SUTybhpEEDdr2BR- GRsBZrGoor87dMY/windowsmediacenterlogo.jpg) experienced some discomfort after patch tuesday this week (2/23/2010).&nbsp_place_holder; The latest set of Microsoft’s fixes has introduced an issue where Windows Media Center Extenders are no longer able to connect to the central Windows Media Center server.&nbsp_place_holder;

I happen to use an Xbox 360 as an extender.&nbsp_place_holder; In troubleshooting, via the Xbox 360, all looks right with the world as the Xbox proudly proclaims that the network and WIndows Media Center are all clearly ready and available.&nbsp_place_holder; Even given this sign of confidence, the extender is still unable to connect to its WIndows Media Center host after launch.

After some trial and error that included a wasted reboot of my Windows Vista Media Center, I decided to see if re-registering my extender would work.&nbsp_place_holder; Low and behold, this did the trick.&nbsp_place_holder; So, if you happen to encounter a condition where&nbsp_place_holder; you Windows Media Center extender is shunned by its WMC host, try re-registering the extender device.