openSUSE 11.1 to 11.2 Workstation Upgrade

&nbsp_place_holder;I took the plunge this morning and decided to update my openSUSE 11.1 workstation (VM) to 11.2. &nbsp_place_holder;I only ran into a couple of small glitches that I have noticed so far:

  1. Needed to label and change the mount options in fstab for the swap file systems.
  2. Had to resolve a conflict with the pre-existing kernel. &nbsp_place_holder;This was discovered by the 11.2 update installation process. &nbsp_place_holder;I chose to keep the default kernel only.
  3. The /usr file system was about 45.2 MB shy of the required space needed for the upgrade. Since I use LVM, this was a simple lvextend and resize2fs operation
  4. Lost the theme, and reset it back in appearances.
  5. The Window title font was altered to an interesting font. &nbsp_place_holder;Must be a default font on a new installation. &nbsp_place_holder;Anyway, I put it back to something that I could live with.

So far, so good. &nbsp_place_holder;My core applications work fine. I now have Firefox 3.5 and OpenOffice &nbsp_place_holder;Fairly painless, and the whole process including the remediation of issues took about 3 hours.