Couple of Birds

Here are a couple of birds hanging out at Sky Harbor gate D3 waiting for their flight.&nbsp_place_holder; They are a little tough to see th![]( FiB4NctH8t5lmOiOX8h4AMKpVWhBKVPCJhvdkL7ZH8qlr75rg0NZA/img326.jpg)em against the dark airplane design carpet.&nbsp_place_holder; It looks as though they may be Southwest A-list members jockeying for the A-20s.&nbsp_place_holder; I guess that Austin, TX was a little bit out of their range so they&nbsp_place_holder;&nbsp_place_holder; decided to fly Southwest Airlines instead.

update:&nbsp_place_holder; The flight attendants and gate staff would not let them on to the jet way.&nbsp_place_holder; The birds quickly flew away out of embarrassment.
