I have found the following two resolv.conf options to be extremely useful when standing up AIX systems that are tethered to a Microsoft DNS solution:
options timeout:1
options attempts:1 _place_holder;
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Eclipse Android Icon
 _place_holder;I am starting to delve into Andoid application development.  _place_holder;As such, I  _place_holder;needed an appropriate application launcher icon to represent my Android-oriented Eclipse IDE environment.  _place_holder;I took a stock android logo and the eclipse icon.
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This is a test posting
Testing the use of the Scribefire Firefox extension for blogging.
Android Apps
There are some cool new apps now available in the Android marketplace:
Angry Birds Seasons - holiday edition of Angry Birds.  _place_holder;A Christmas advent-style calendar set of levels plus the halloween edition
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Microsoft OCS and Xbox 360 Kinect Conferencing
…now it is time to up a few Xbox 360 Kinect bundles into the end of year budget!
Replacing 1TB Linux RAID mirror with 2TB drives...Live
Well, I have run out of storage for backups and shared media on my home-grown Linux NAS server. _place_holder; My existing 1TB mirror is full. _place_holder; Now that 3 TB drives have started to trickle out, the 2 TB capacity devices are dropping in price.
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Live Partition Mobility
We are tuning and testing the performance of a new policy administration system and SOA platform. _place_holder; In order to provide some baseline details, we have used IBM PowerVM live partition mobility to reorganize the virtual LPAR topology without having to interrupt or introduce idle time to the effort by stopping and restarting complex application environments.
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Halo Reach
Halo Reach went on sale yesterday, 9/14/2010.  _place_holder;I ran into my local Best _place_holder;Buy on the way home from work to pick up a copy.
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Ubuntu 10.04 Annoyance -- window title bar buttons on the left
 _place_holder;I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04.  _place_holder;Immediately after starting it up, I was faced with a huge annoyance.  _place_holder;The window title-bar buttons were on the left.  _place_holder;Being a right-handed person, this threw me for a loop.
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Android Watch - Tuesday (Got It!)
I just checked for updates and Froyo is ready for me to download. _place_holder; Upgrade started!
update: Android 2.2 installed in about 5 - 10 minutes on my EVO.  _place_holder;No issues.  _place_holder;I would say that it does feel a little faster in areas.
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