If you would like to enable desktop icons within the gnome desktop manager, use the dconf-editor tool for this. org>gnome>desktop>background show-desktop- icons You can also use the “Tweak Tool” as well.
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Siphoning the Punching Bag
AWS Per-Second Billing for EC2 and EBS available in October
Amazon AWS has announced per-second billing for EC2 instances and EBS volumes starting October 2, 2017. There are still hourly charges related to dedicated instances, snapshots, and AWS marketplace images.
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A terrific treatise on Linux load averages
Linux Load Averages: Solving the Mystery is a terrific article on Linux load averages from Brendan Gregg. Well worth the time. I learned a lot.
Please be patient. This was tweeted out recently, and his site is throttling requests.
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High-Tech Websites Using Drupal
Here is an [ interesting blog post](http://getlevelten.com/blog/brandon-reid
/high-tech-websites-drupal) of high-tech websites that use
GE LED BR-30 bulbs - Avoid
After my third failed GE BR-30 LED bulb, I thought that I would post of my experience. Within 12 to 18 months of purchase, I have had 3 of these bulbs fail in the exact same way with random dimming and flickering.
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Ubuntu to switch back to GNOME and will use Wayland
[In a blog post from Mark Shuttleworth](https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/04/05 /growing-ubuntu-for-cloud-and-iot-rather-than-phone-and-convergence/), Canonical will stop work on Unity 8 and the desktop server Mir. In Ubuntu 18.04, GNOME and Wayland will be the desktop display technologies.
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Passed AWS Certified Developer - Associate
Just passed the Amazon AWS Certified Developer - Associate exam. That successfully completes all 3 of the AWS associate level exams. Now to start working on the professional certification.
Google Android Phone App
Due to a rash of spam calls lately, I felt compelled to make this short post. I love the anti-spam calling feature of the [Google Android Phone](https://pla y.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.dialer&hl=en) app.
![Google Phone Screenshot](https://www.
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Alexa on Strike
Last night, Alexa went on strike. She made me realize how dependent I have become on her to answer questions, play music, time activities, and start the evening news on Plex.
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