Got a Google server error this evening:
Where in the world is "Isreal"?
Take a look at this snapshot from CNET’s Quickcast this week. (2/7/2008)
I couldn’t find the place on a map. However, they have a population of web entrepreneurs equivalent to that of silicon valley.
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Success! Xbox Live is back up.
Xbox Live gamertag recovery has finally worked for me. ;) Your mileage may vary.
XBOX Live Service Down....Update
Well, after 10 hours the following message appears on the Xbox live support homepage:
Maybe we will see some resolution to this issue soon….
XBOX Live Service Down...Again
Well, contrary to the news on Major Nelson’s podcast, Microsoft has not fixed the Xbox Live woes. It appears that there is a lot more work to do!
The service today (last 8+ hours) is unreliable to completely shotty when trying to play/matchmake Halo 3 or COD 4.
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Took the Nerd Test
Well, I took the Nerd Test this evening. Here are my results
Latest speed test.
Here is my latest speed test from dslreports: ![]( m/29597417/25817.png)
A complete lack of customer service...A Fry's Electronics Story
![]( /176px-Fry_s_Electronics.svg.png)
Well, my wife and I walked into one of the local Fry’s Electronics stores today. To be precise, it was the store on Thunderbird in Glendale, Arizona. I was prepared to talk about speakers for my home theater system.
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Received a phishing email
Well, I received the following phishing email this evening. The poser is a website in Germany. Here is the actual URL from the link href: der-
And unlike their ads, “Like a Good Neighbor…", State Farm is NOT there.
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Amazing UI Demonstration
Now this is brilliant. An amazing demonstration of user interface technology.