Google 502 Error

Got a Google server error this evening:

Where in the world is "Isreal"?

Take a look at this snapshot from CNET’s Quickcast this week. (2/7/2008) I couldn’t find the place on a map. However, they have a population of web entrepreneurs equivalent to that of silicon valley. [Read More]

XBOX Live Service Down...Again

Well, contrary to the news on Major Nelson’s podcast, Microsoft has not fixed the Xbox Live woes. It appears that there is a lot more work to do! The service today (last 8+ hours) is unreliable to completely shotty when trying to play/matchmake Halo 3 or COD 4. [Read More]

Took the Nerd Test

Well, I took the Nerd Test this evening. Here are my results says I’m a Kinda Dorky Nerd God.  What are you?  Clickhere!

A complete lack of customer service...A Fry's Electronics Story

![]( /176px-Fry_s_Electronics.svg.png) Well, my wife and I walked into one of the local Fry’s Electronics stores today. To be precise, it was the store on Thunderbird in Glendale, Arizona. I was prepared to talk about speakers for my home theater system. [Read More]

Received a phishing email

Well, I received the following phishing email this evening. The poser is a website in Germany. Here is the actual URL from the link href: der- And unlike their ads, “Like a Good Neighbor…", State Farm is NOT there. [Read More]