Ion Drum Kit

Well, I celebrated my birthday with my parents and brother’s family last night.&nbsp_place_holder; I was a great night.&nbsp_place_holder; My parents took us out for dinner to Manuels.&nbsp_place_holder; Their food is a staple in my diet. [Read More]

Ordered My New Virtualization Lab Server

I have ordered a new [PowerEdge T100 server]( poweredge-t100?c=us&cs=04&l=en&s=bsd) from Dell for my virtualization lab.&nbsp_place_holder; This is an entry level server with only (2) 3.5” drive bays and a maximum memory capacity of 8GB. [Read More]

Received another phishing email

I have decided to continue to post the phishing emails that I receive. I received the following attempt this week (I have edited the target addresses of the links in this blog posting to a bookmark on this page for your protection. [Read More]

Happy Birthday, Honey!

My wife got her birthday present a couple of weeks early this year. While shopping at the local Walmart, I noticed that the new RockBand 2 guitar was ![ rockband2guitarcrop]( 28728-3eca-483f-b6d0-0b6f2e9c3e9a. [Read More]

Cannot make the leap to Google Chrome

I have not made the jump to using Google Chrome full time.&nbsp_place_holder; Firefox is still my default browser.&nbsp_place_holder; The “new car” smell has worn off of Chrome, and I am having reservations regarding trust, data privacy, and the EULA. [Read More]

Costco Ready for Christmas

I went to Costco this afternoon. Too my surprise the shelves were stocked with Chistmas decorations and toys. I can’t believe it.

Google Chrome Browser Beta Begins Tomorrow

The [official Google blog]( on-browser.html) is reporting that the Google Chrome browser will be available in Beta tomorrow, Sept. 2nd. The [Google Chrome comic]( m/books?id=8UsqHohwwVYC&printsec=frontcover#PPA1,M1) describes what to expect. Well, I know what I am doing after work tomorrow night…you? [Read More]

EGM Watch Day 90 - The End

Well, it has now been about 90 days since trying to subscribe to the Ziff- Davis publication, “Electronic Gaming Monthly”.&nbsp_place_holder; My trips to the mailbox continue to end in disappointment…No EGM magazine. [Read More]

BloGTK 1.1 Publishing

The last blog entry did not publish. It sucessfully posted to the server as a blog content it. This blog submission should be published without having to approve the content item in drupal. [Read More]

This is a test post from BloGTK 1.1

I have just installed BloGTK 1.1 under Ubuntu 8.04. This is a test entry to see how it works. ubuntulogo