Impact 2009 Session Agenda

Here is my current session agenda for the IBM Impact 2009 conference: Monday, 04 May ![drop]( op2.gif) KEY - [Smart Work Rocks the Smarter Planet ]( /events/IBMImpact/Impact2009Agenda/secure/ c4fe04fe0120f7b071de) 08:15 AM - 10:30 AM [Read More]

IBM Impact 2009

IBMLogoI am going to IBM Impact 2009 next week in Las Vegas, Nevada.&nbsp_place_holder; Are you?&nbsp_place_holder;&nbsp_place_holder;&nbsp_place_holder;











Linux Blog Publishing

I am starting to use Linux quite a bit more these days. I just want to check that blog publishing in functioning from OpenOffice.

DataPower XI-50 Initial IP Configuration

Remember, initial configuration of the IBM Datapower XI50 requires that its IP&nbsp_place_holder; address be established through the serial port.&nbsp_place_holder; Here are the specifications:![]( /ws-datapower-xi50-141x120.jpg) [Link to this page]( dex.jsp?topic=/xi50/welcome.htm) Hardware requirements For first-time configuration of the software, this appliance requires a compatible RS-232c terminal or terminal emulator with a male DB-9 serial port connector. [Read More]

Installed openSUSE 11.1 on my ASUS 1000HA

Installed openSUSE 11.1 on my ASUS eeePC 1000HA this weekend. I still ran into issues with the wireless, though. I ended up replacing the Atheros-based AzureWare AR5BXB63 wireless card with an Intel 4965AGN that I had laying around. [Read More]

1000HA Multitouch Scrolling Issue With Firefox Fixed

I have had an issue using Firefox on my ASUS 1000HA netbook under Windows XP SP3.&nbsp_place_holder; The two-finger multitouchscrolling with the touchpad was extremely slow and unusable.&nbsp_place_holder; I found that there is an updated driver available. [Read More]

Buy American Plan, Good Name, Bad Idea

I am all for supporting U.S. produced goods and services. &nbsp_place_holder;While this isn’t a tariff, I believe these types of [protectionist moves]( -30T221146Z_01_N30355909_RTRIDST_0_USA-STIMULUS-BUYAMERICAN-UPDATE-2.html) were among the catalysts for the Great Depression. [Read More]

Some Initial Windows 7 Comments

Well, I completed my goal of installing Windows 7 over this weekend.&nbsp_place_holder; I installed both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions.&nbsp_place_holder; I really did not spend much time in the 64-bit realm, other than to discover that there is still not support for flash, etc. [Read More]