Installed IBM WSRR

I installed IBM WebSphere Registry and Repository this evening.&nbsp_place_holder; The installation took&nbsp_place_holder; a little longer than I had anticipated.&nbsp_place_holder; Mostly due to my rushing through the WAS 7 setup and not having the ND node configured properly. [Read More]

SOA Facts

Thanks to Brian Schween for pointing me to the site SOA Facts


This is funny, yet sobering…

Lost and Flash Forward Connection

![FlashForward]( /fflogo-1024x155.png) I left a comment over at the Toy Anxiety blog regarding a [Lost and Flash Forward Connection]( connection/) that I found in the show. I noticed that there was a billboard for Oceanic Airlines in the surveillance scene. [Read More]

Task Force

Well, I made a call to the local police department this morning to try and settle a couple of questions that I had after my experience last night. I have come to find out that there was a targeted DUI task force looking to crack down on the revelers that may have been leaving Majerle’s Sports Grill. [Read More]

Another First For Me This Evening

I am getting older, so **firsts **don’t come around as often as they once did. Anyway, I have another first this evening… I took my first field sobriety test. Yes, I did pass the test. [Read More]

Browser Distribution

Here is the current distribution of browsers accessing my website (as of 9/23/2009): Browser Percentage Microsoft Internet Explorer 69.4% Firefox 12.1% Apple Safari 1.6% Google Chrome 0.3% Others (bots, Opera, wget, Netscape, etc. [Read More]

Catalyst for Change

This has been said in many other ways before.  Here is my cut:

Enabling success for others is a key catalyst for change.

Live Blogging the Ride Home from Dallas

&nbsp_place_holder;![img278]( om/files/img278_thumb_1.jpg) Well, I am heading home from the [IBM SOA Connectivity and Integration](https: // ES&locale=en_US) briefing in Dallas, Texas.&nbsp_place_holder; Upon taking seat 31F on the American Airlines MD-80, Jim Bean noticed that the plane is WiFi enabled with GoGo service. [Read More]

In Dallas Texas for IBM Connectivity and Integration Briefing

[![img269]( mb.jpg)]( hotos/Dallas^_Integration^_Briefing/img269^_2[1].jpg)Here is a picture as I arrive into Dallas, Texas for the [IBM SOA Connectivity and Integration Briefi ng]( nar=QZDS39ES&locale=en_US).[![img270](]( com/self.aspx/My%20Blog%20Photos/Dallas^_Integration^_Briefing/img270^_2[1].jp g) Yes, that is me sitting by the engine cowling. [Read More]